
Covid-19 Corner

  1. Welcome to FIEC’s Covid Corner!
  3. Here you can find information from FIEC about the Covid-19 crisis, its impact on the construction industry and what we are doing in response to it.

The pandemic is already having a massive impact on the construction sector. Movement of workers, health and safety, availability of construction materials, implementation of contracts and revenue… all of these have been hit hard.

FIEC is both regularly informing and advising the EU policy makers on the rapidly changing situation, which varies from EU country to country.  In addition, as the EU-wide representative of contractors, we are lobbying for solutions for our industry, both for the immediate and the long-term future.

You can also stay up to date with our weekly newsletter, where we inform you about other issues important to our sector: http://www.fiec.eu/Library/Newsletter

For our Member Federations, further information is also available on our Internet, for which you need your login and password (Members Intranet)

If you still have a question, please contact us on info@fiec.eu.


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